0  Introduction 1 User Profile 2 Team Profile {{lastPage}}  Finish Setup

Welcome to Athlete Analyzer

Lets run a fast onboarding, so we are able to get what you need most and provide you the best of the product

Start your 30 days free trial

No credit card required

Account Information

Email already in use.
Your password must contain at least 6 letters

I accept the Terms and Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions
Privacy Policy


Select which sport you are practicing



Other sport - Select if you are practicing a sport not listed above

How do you plan to use Athlete Analyzer?

Athlete Analyzer works best for Team use, but you can also use it as a single athlete. What would you like?

Team Mode

I want to use the system together with my team

I am a coach or I want to use the system together with my coach


Choose if you are a Coach and want to setup a new Team and invite Members now

Single Athlete

I am a single athlete that want to develop my game on my own

I'm a single athlete and I want to train on my own

Choose your team role

Athlete Analyzer is built around team interaction. No matter how big or small your team is. Who are you in your team?

Team Manager

Choose if you are a Coach and want to setup a new Team and invite Members now

Team Coach

Choose if you know that your Team is already in Athlete Analyzer and you want to join as a Coach

Team Athlete

Choose if you know that your Team is already in Athlete Analyzer and you want to join as an Athlete

Create your team

Find your team

Okey, Team Coach let's find your team

Okey, Team Athlete let's find your team


We will send a request to the team manager and you will get a notification when you are approved as a member

You are requesting to join:


Not your team?

Can't find your team?

Your role in the Team

Your team manager has already setup your team

© 2025 Insudo Factory AB